Thursday, January 2, 2014

Smoothie Review & Recipe

So we have made it in the 2nd day of 2014!
Can I get a big whoop whoop??!!?

So of course everyone knows that a New Year brings new year resolutions
Lets face it, resolutions are over-rated and over-done, I have never met 1 person who has actually finished out a resolution. 

I think instead of resolutions which spread through the whole year we should do monthly goals, something small that is more easily achieved , and since it only last for a month your more likely to do it. 
So if your resolution is to loose weight set a weight loss goal for whichever month your in and then work towards it! 

My family has decided that each month we are going to try several new healthy meals, and then I have my own goals on the side. So to prepare for healthier eating habits I decided to try out some smoothie recipe's and tweak them, or if they were fine the way there were leave them alone. 

Apple Pie
  • 1 apple 
  • 1//2 C milk 
  • 1/2 C greek yogurt
  • Sprinkle of Nutmeg 
  • Sprinkle of Ground Cinnamon
  • Half a banana (optional)
This was a very good smoothie! I made several changes to the original recipe because it did not taste like apple pie at all!  After I added the sprinkle of spices it really brought the flavor up a notch! I added the half banana the 1st time I made it and the 2nd time I left it out because I think whenever you add banana to a smoothie no matter how small the portion it dominates the flavor and instead of tasting like apple pie it tasted like banana pie yuck!

Orange Julius Copy Cat 

  • 6 oz frozen orange concentrate (half of the can)
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/4 cup truvia 
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 8 ice cubes
  • Review
    Okay this is a great copy cat recipe I found, and this is what I call my "cheat" smoothie because instead of using fresh fruit and the natural sweetener you get from the fruits and veggies you use the concentreate and truvia. The original recipe calls for sugar but since I am trying to eat healthier I went for the better option and used the truvia, this does taste like a true orange julius and since they are hard to find in some areas you can have it right in your own home! This is also the only recipe you will find that says I used ice* (see smoothie tips at bottom of page)

    Strawberry/Blueberry Blast

    • drizzle of honey 
    • 1/2 C blueberries 
    • 1 cup strawberry 
    • 1/2 C greek yogurt  
    Great smoothie with a great taste, I had found several recipes for a blueberry/strawberry smoothie and most of them led to spam sites or were loaded down with sugar (really why do you need sugar added to this?) So this is my recipe, and not only do I like it but my little avengers like it too! 

    Chocolate Dipped Strawberries 

    • 1/2 C strawberries 
    • 1 tablespoon dark chocolate cocoa powder 
    • 1/4 C greek yogurt
    • 1/4 C milk 
    This is yet another great recipe and something that is kid approved! If your having a day where you need chocolate but don't want to fall into bad eating habits then this smoothie is for you! The cocoa powder is great for you, ad gives you that "junkfood" fill you need to keep you on a good path! 


    • Never use ice, instead freeze your fruits the night before in a plastic baggie, this saves you time on getting it made the next morning, and by doing this you do not dilute your flavor.
    • Buy a couple ice cube trays from the dollar store, freeze your yogurt and then use it when you make your smoothies, it makes them more creamy and smooth! 
    • Have left over smoothie? Pour what you have left in a ice cube tray, the next morning if you want the same smoothie, take a couple cubes pop them in your blender and Viola! 

    Well there you have it, these are the smoothies my family and I liked the most, we are also going to start making our own recipes and trying them out. You and your family can also do this! A few years ago my Zumba instructor gave me a paper that had a smoothie key on it, try it out and tell me the flavors your family comes up with! 

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