Monday, February 3, 2014

~Birthday Week~ Put it all together!

     You have done the hard work, you have baked your little hero's cake, wrapped the presents, made the decorations, and bought all the supplies and food and have done it all for under $100 and possibly even less! Then all the sudden shear panic sets in, How are you going to set everything up??? If your doing it at a facility you usually only get to rent it for a certain amount of time and do not have time to decide what goes where before family and friends arrive. Take a deep breath super mom's you got this, it is not a big problem! A few days before the party (or when you rent the facility) go and look and see what all tables they offer, then go home and make a little layout on a piece of paper, place all the tables where they need to go, and where you want certain decorations, and the food. Then take it with you on the day of the party and have your husband, or family to help you set up. Its a piece of cake!
     I really hope your next party goes great and you save some major doe while doing it! You have been seeing bits and pieces of my sons party through the week, and now you can see it all put together! Here is some pictures for you to look at and maybe even get some ideas for your next little hero's party! Have a super day! 

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