Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Modge Podge shoes DIY

So to show off my love for comic books as well as saving money I am going to do my 1st tutorial on modge podge shoes.
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These are a pair of TOMS look a like's we got my friend for her baby shower a couple of weeks ago, her theme was Marvel Avengers (we had so much fun with it!!!) and of course unless you are a boy you cannot find these items or you can pay out the wazoo for them. I got curious to see how much they cost exactly and the cheapest I found was $50 for half decorated like these and they were the knock off brand as well and the most expensive went up to $300 0_0
Modge podge* 
comic book strips OR comic book fabric*
Any kind of shoe you like (I used old nasty Mary Janes)
A little Patience & some good music ;)
*I strongly advise using actual modge podge and not homemade I used homemade on mine and actual on my friends and the homemade does not seal as well on the shoes
*If you are using patent materials shoes cloth works well but the comic book strips work best/Cloth base shoes I highly recommend using cloth comic book material it bends and sticks better! I only like using the cloth now because I have more control over it and its dries to look more natural. You can find a lot of awesome superhero fabrics at (instore and online) 
So get your work area ready, the 1st time I did this it took me several hours to complete a shoe by the time I got to my 2nd shoe I was in a zone and it went by much quicker! 
1. Start by cutting up strips of comic or cloth the best shapes to use is triangles, these shoes are almost like doing fun geometry
2. Start on the back of the shoe and "paint" modge podge directly on shoe, then lay down your selected piece, then modgepodge over it to seal it. Just a thin layer will do modgepodge is very sticky ;)
3.Continue around the shoe working from one side trying to do both sides will be an epic fail! 
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4.Come around to the toe area, then I recommend taking a break so it can dry a bit, then work around to the other side and viola!
5. Repeat with other shoe

There does not have to be a rhyme or reason to these shoes, I did not cut all of my fabric and comics at once, I cut out certain scenes and sayings that I really liked (funny batman lines and pictures of him because he is my favorite DC character) and then sometimes you can run into some funny shaped holes and I would have to cut to fit because some of my pieces were either too small or too big.
This is a really fun project and you will get a TON of comments on them! 
I tried to make this tutorial simple and easy but I love to hear from you and if you need any help please ask ;)

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