Sunday, December 22, 2013

Mason Jar Scenes

SO.......1st of all I need to apologize for the absence of post on my blog these last couple of weeks! We have been so busy doing things with the children, and attending Christmas parties and get togethers, I totally forgot I had a blog with a small group of followers! 

So most of my blog post this month have been about making affordable and adorable decorations to go into your home. This year I knew I wanted Mason Jar scenes but after seeing some of the prices on the pre-made ones at Etsy, and seeing the price tags of the vintage one's my mother bought I thought that I might had to pass. That was until my Can-Do attitude kicked in and I realized it wouldn't be hard to make...hopefully

So before I went out and bought decorations and supplies I sat down and looked through pictures of other scenes on Pinterest! You really need a good visual idea of what kind of scene you want to do before you run out and buy supplies and waste money on things you possibly don't need. 

I found several types of Scenes




*Note All Photo credits are given these are not my scenes*

Once you have decided what kind you like then its off to your favorite craft store!
My house is done in a rustic theme this year so I knew I wanted a deer in my scene and since I love the cars with trees on top we had to have one of those as well! 

Everything was very easy to find, my car is a 98c Hot Wheels Volkswagen Vannigan, and I got the bottle brush trees for 50-75c at a local craft store. I also used sparkle snow (Very messy, use at your own risk!) and I got the little deer figurine from Tractor Supply. 

I hot glued my deer and trees to the top of the jar lid, added in snow and then flipped upside down, also did this with the other trees in the opposing jar, and finally I took some string and tied my last bottle brush tree on top and placed it in position! Now my way was the hard way, why I did not simply glue the items to the bottom of the jar I have no idea, it would have been much less mess and stress on me but oh well, that is what I am here for! 

My jars also came from recycled spaghetti jars, I knew if I cleaned them out and saved them they would come in handy one day! 

I hope you and your family have fun making these jars!  

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