Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Coffee Snow Cream

     So the snow is finally starting to melt away and now I think I am going to cry, yes I said cry. Most people in and around my area would be coming after me with a straight jacket to put me into a mental institution, but I have a very valid reason as to why I want the snow to stay and that is Free Frappes! Yes people I said FREE FRAPPES! Free as in nothing nada zilch and Frappe as in the wonderful frozen coffee drink you get at Mcdonalds. So if your a huge frozen coffee enthusiast like me you are probably wondering how I am getting all these free drinks and that is why I said I am going to miss the snow.  So the day after it started snowing really heavy here my bestie sent me a recipe for frappuccino snow creme, I was already on my way to getting my regular snow creme recipe ingredients out for the kids (which can be found here sweet snow creme recipe) so of course I was ready to try this for myself, the only problem was I was missing several ingredients, snowed in, and just about all of the stores near me were shut down.  I was crushed and having a craving so I did what I do best...I improvised and let me tell you girls and boys I'm not sure how the original recipe taste but mine is the bomb diggity.


  • 8 C snow
  • 2 oz coffee 
  • 1/2 C milk 
  • 1/2 C sugar
              Make yourself a cup of coffee and let it cool. I use my keurig on the 4oz "strong" setting I then half it and set one half in a coffee cup on the counter to cool and the other in a little salad dressing container in the fridge so I can use it for the next batch.  After you coffee has cooled head outside and get your snow, In a mixing bowl pour the coffee in first and then add the snow on top of that, with a whisk mix together, then add milk, and finally your sugar. Add a straw or drink it straight from the glass and get instant gratification! Now that is the super simple version if you want to jazz it up and make a oh lets say chocolate chip frappe (favorite) add in some teeny tiny chocolate chips or chocolate shavings. You can then add your whipped creme, chocolate or caramel syrup and you will have a drink that will forever make you miss the snowfall. Now I know a lot of you are saying "Ew yuck snow pollution" To that I ask, do you eat Mcdonalds or any other fast food? Do you drink pop? People do you really think that that stuff is safe and good for you? I will admit I like a good burger and fries from Burger King and yes I know it is not the healthiest thing but that is also why we should use restraint and moderation and I promise you a little bit of snow is not going to hurt you....unless you use the yellow snow, stay away from it. I hope you enjoy the delicious goodness while you can because before we know it the snow will be gone and it will be spring again!              

By the way I own no rights to the Mcdonalds franchise (I wish) 

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