Saturday, January 9, 2016

She's Not Suffocating

There are 2 kinds of people in this world that you will run into while baby wearing 
  1. Wow I bet that helps you keep your hands free (usually older people)
  2. *whispers behind back while looking on in disgust* Oh my gosh she  is suffocating that baby!
     People let me tell you something I am not suffocating my baby and I am oh so tired of the judging that goes on. Mom shaming is enough to deal with but now we have to deal with people who don't have children but think they wrote the book on parenting, and let me tell you I am so tired of that. Look I get it your young, you want to be a mom one day (or dad) your in college and have been taking some sociology classes and psychology classes so you think you know it all about babies/children. Let me be the first to tell you your wrong.  I wish I had $1 for every-time a person who is childless gives me advice or tells me I'm doing something wrong because they read it in a book or saw it in a magazine. While I have nothing against parenting books or magazines there is no manual that tells you how to raise a child. this is something that you have to experience and learn on your own. Now I know the sight of a baby in a sling can be a little surprising to someone the first time they see it and it does make it easy to judge but that doesn't mean you should. Rhiannon likes to sleep with her head on my chest and her face snuggled under the fabric, she is what I call a blanket baby and likes to be cuddled under a blanket when she sleeps so the "strap" part of my wrap is the next best thing for her. This does not mean she cannot breath and/or is suffocating, in fact she is probably getting better air flow, because its open on both sides of the straps. If you stand eye level with my chest you can see straight through to the other side, so even though the fabric runs down the side of her cheek she is still getting air (and NOT suffocating). Now I am not saying that asphyxiation is impossible there are safety measures that need to be taken just like everything else you should do with infants and children but that is also why you should always read the instructions, watch the manufacturers instructional videos, talk to experienced baby-wearing moms, and just plain educate yourself (NOT SUFFOCATING!)! Sorry had to get that out  😂

     So now that you know my baby and others are NOT suffocating here is why I love it!  Baby wearing is great, I recommend it to any new moms and also moms with multiple children who are younger. It frees up your hands so you can shop, clean, etc. It gives your baby a sense of security, and who doesn't love snuggling close to their little ones? When they get a little bigger its a great bonding experience they can see your face and watch how your mouth works and they are on your eye level, and then when they start hitting the toddler stage it keeps them right with you, no chasing them around and worrying! There are so many different options to baby wearing too! You have your wraps, slings, and basic carries! I have one of each! I love the moby wrap for babies, then step up to a lille baby when they hit about 6 months old and finally a peanut shell sling when they are older toddlers. The lille baby can be used when they are toddlers as well, and you certainly don't need to buy one of each to carry, I just have one of each from having 3 kids and I like switching between the 3 at certain age ranges because they work best for different age ranges IMO. 

     So ladies and mommies before you are quick to judge a women's parenting choices regardless of whether you think they are right or not remember you are 1. Not the childs parent and 2. You shouldn't make an assumption we all know what that word means when split up ;)

All pictures are property of 
Moby Wrap 

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